Horton Kirby Scout Group

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CampfireScout logo Archery Climbing Climbing Climbing

Welcome Information

Here is some information about our group which we hope you will find useful:

  • The sections are run by a group of dedicated volunteers, if you would like to become involved in Scouting we would love to hear from you, it is both rewarding and fun for adults too!

  • Once your child has come along for a trial of their new section (anything up to 6 weeks) and decided they would like to stay, we ask that you purchase uniform and pay subs at this point.

  • We send out a programme outlining weekly meetings for each term, please refer to this each week, if you haven't received one, please ask your section volunteers.

  • Our fees are currently £70 payable at the start of each term (Jan, Apr and Sept- weekly meetings run term time only). Or as 12 monthly payments of £17.50. This fee covers the running of the scout association, our scout hut costs and maintenance, insurances, badges/scarves and the hut based activities, crafts and meetings. Visits such as swimming or bowling etc will be at an additional cost that week but subsidised where possible and we will let you know this amount in advance. If you have any difficulty meeting any fees, please talk to us and we will help in any way we can.

  • In order to maintain our records, please let us know if any of yours/your child’s details change as soon as possible.

  • Your child may be photographed for display purposes/facebook (closed Group- look us up under 1st Horton Kirby Scout Group) or for newspaper articles etc. If you do not wish your child to be photographed, please put this in writing immediately and ensure it is updated on Online Scout Manager.

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